Castleblayney Hurling Club Notes 17th March 2025
Date for your diary….Save the Date.. For one night only Castleblayney Hurling Club presents “The Family Fortunes Experience”, the Gameshow we all love, with a local Blayney Twist!!
This promises to be a fantastic night for our Club and entire Community!! Ticket details coming soon!!
Registration is now open & due before 31st March. The following are the rates for 2025:
Juvenile Membership €25, Adult member (non playing) €30, Student Senior Player €30, Senior Player €120, Cairde Family €120, Juvenile Family (2 Adults & Children) €50. Follow the link or Revolut bbol123.
Draw for Free Membership will take place at the end of March for all those who have paid their registration before 31st March.
50/50 Draw The March draw will take place on the last Friday of the month. To get your entry follow the link 767&intMF_ID=7833#Anchor. This provides you with different payment options including setting up a 12 month direct debit subscription paid on a monthly basis which will ensure you are in for every draw. Alternatively, you can get an entry through REVOLUT to @bbol123 putting your name and contact telephone number. A huge thanks for your continued support.
Juvenile Training
U8’s training continues Wednesdays at Castleblayney Boys’ School 5.30pm-6.30pm. New players welcome & hurls and helmets provided if needed. Contact David 0862517407 U8’s indoors, DOB 2017/2018.
U10 training on Wednesday evenings, 5.30-6.30pm, Scoil Mhuire Boys National School Castleblayney. DOB 2015/2016. New players welcome.
U12 training on Tuesday evenings from 6.30 to 7.30, Boys School Astro turf pitch.
U14’s Monday evenings, Boys School Astro, 7pm – 8pm
Baby Congratulations to Senior player, Fergal Rafter & his wife Niamh on the birth of their wee boy, Séamie, hopefully a Blayney hurler of the future! Congratulations & many happy days.