Castleblayney Hurling Club Notes 10th Mar 2025

Castleblayney Hurling Club Notes 10th March 2025

Date for your diary….Save the Date.. For one night only Castleblayney Hurling Club presents “The Family Fortunes Experience”, the Gameshow we all love, with a local Blayney Twist!!

This promises to be a fantastic night for our Club and entire Community!!

Ticket details coming soon!!


Registration is now open & due before 31st March. The following are the rates for 2025:

Juvenile Membership €25, Adult member (non playing) €30, Student Senior Player €30, Senior Player €120, Cairde Family €120, Juvenile Family (2 Adults & Children) €50. Follow the link or Revolut bbol123.

Draw for Free Membership will take place at the end of March for all those who have paid their registration before 31st March.

50/50 Draw The March draw will take place on the last Friday of the month. To get your entry follow the link 767&intMF_ID=7833#Anchor. This provides you with different payment options including setting up a 12 month direct debit subscription paid on a monthly basis which will ensure you are in for every draw. Alternatively, you can get an entry through REVOLUT to @bbol123 putting your name and contact telephone number. A huge thanks for your continued support.

Our Juvenile Presentation took place in Iontas on Sunday evening 9th March when we acknowledged all our Juvenile players’ participation & progression in the game. Special guest of honour on the night was Tom Brennan of CLG Na Fianna Dublin, the Senior All Ireland Club Champions. Tom’s sporting pedigree is in no doubt, he is grandson of Joe Brennan who won the 1958 Leinster & All Ireland Senior Football Championship with Dublin & who, on his arrival in Blayney, immersed himself in the hurling club at different levels & has now the U14 Player of the Year trophy named in his honour. Tom has cousins playing at club & county level & uncles on both sides who graced the pitches.

All our age groups received their medals from Tom with the U16 Double Champion & League teams providing the silverware. The U14 Player of the Year & recipient of the Joe Brennan Trophy was Daithí McCarthy. Coaching Officer, David Connolly, presided over the evening in his own inimitable manner & thanked our coaches, primary schools, in particular the Boys School, including both second level schools in the town. David acknowledged the achievements of club players in the different age levels over the year & rounded off proceedings by thanking Children’s Officer, Marisa Duffy for her organisation of the event. Chairman, Paddy McArdle, added his thanks to David’s.
The evening rounded off with some delicious food served up by Iontas staff. A perfect end to the evening.

A huge thank you to Glenn Murphy for all his images, capturing these precious moments; as always, a super professional.

Go raibh mile maith agaibh go léir.

Juvenile Training

U8’s training continues Wednesdays at Castleblayney Boys’ School  5.30pm-6.30pm. New players welcome & hurls and helmets provided if needed.  Contact David 0862517407 U8’s indoors, DOB 2017/2018.

U10 training on Wednesday evenings, 5.30-6.30pm, Scoil Mhuire Boys National School Castleblayney. DOB 2015/2016. New players welcome.

U12 training on Tuesday evenings from 6.30 to 7.30, Boys School Astro turf pitch.

U14’s Monday evenings, Boys School Astro, 7pm – 8pm

U10 Regional Blitz in DKIT this Friday, 14th March, 7-9pm

U8’s DKIT Blitz Great night’s hurling for our U8s in DKIT on Friday evening. The boys played 4 matches against Newry, Naomh Moninne and Knockbridge. Jack, John, Donal and Noah played their first ever matches for the club with Archie, Tim, Blake and Calvin leading the way. Great determination and skill on display tonight boys.👏 Thanks Eamon Blaney Ulster RDHO for organising.

U20 Ulster Hurling League Final took place in Dowdallshill, Louth on Sunday morning which saw Monaghan U20’s overcome Louth on a scoreline of Monaghan 0.14 Louth 0.09. Big bualadh bos for the lads & and a special shout out to our club representatives, Ryan Callan, Fionn Mulholland & Michael Meegan. Congratulations boys & to all the team & management.



By procastleblayneyhurling Mon 10th Mar